Oswego students will go head-to-head in presidential debate

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OSWEGO, N.Y. — Two SUNY Oswego students will fight for the spot of Student Association (SA)  president for the upcoming school year in a presidential debate on March 3 at 7 p.m. 

Current SA president Austin Davis will have the opportunity to continue his tenure after being in the office this past year. 

“For starters, I’m the current president, so I kind of have an idea for how the role works,” Davis said. “It is a bit of a learning curve for anyone who does it.” 

Aiden Wilson, who is also running for the position, may be a first time candidate for office, but he believes his prior experience as an SA officer makes him more than qualified to step into the role. 

“Currently I’m the chair of finance, so I more or less get to lead a group of students that decide about writing new contingencies,” Wilson said. “I think that is a great role to have.”

After participating in the live debate before his first election, Davis is familiar with the process already and believes the debate is important to inform the voters so they can make a decision they are happy with, Davis said. 

Although Wilson is new to the debate stage, he also agrees that the debate is important to inform voters and learn what platforms their choices are running on, Wilson said. 

Voters can tune into the debate on WTOP-10 on Sunday, March 3, at 7 p.m. and cast their votes by logging in to Laker Life starting Thursday, March 7 until Friday, March 8. 

The Oswego State Student Association held their first senate meeting in fall of 2023 in a lecture hall located in Lanigan Hall on the Oswego campus. Photo courtesy of: Student Association