SUNY Oswego’s graduation ceremony is approaching

OSWEGO, N.Y. — In just one week, SUNY Oswego graduates will be walking across the stage to get their diplomas. Teaching English as a Second Language major, Jill Leahy’s interest in SUNY Oswego sparked back in high school.

“When I was a senior in high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do. I came in undecided and Oswego just really had so many options to choose from and I really think that’s what drew me here. And I found what I loved. So it really worked out,” Leahy said.

Leahy shares some advice for students attending Oswego in the fall.

“Explore your options. I think one thing I wish I did was maybe take part in clubs or something more. Really look at what Oswego has to offer,” Leahy said.

After two semesters of student-teaching, Leahy says she’s ready to tackle the next chapter in her life.

“I am really excited. I really want my own classroom now. I think I’m really for it,” Leahy said.

The pandemic limited internship options for many students last summer, thankfully for meteorology major, Walker Snowden, SUNY Oswego clubs helped provide some hands-on experience.

“It’s like that first transition from college to a job. And I didn’t get that transition. So it’s a little rough. So things like WTOP here on campus really helped. If I didn’t have that I would definitely not have a job,” Walker said.

A job that will take Walker on a new adventure, out of state. 

“I have a job offer in Monroe, Louisiana. I am starting on June the 7th. I’m pretty excited for it, kind of nervous, I don’t want to let anyone down but like I said before it’s still a long row to hoe,” Walker said.

Still a long road ahead for SUNY Oswego seniors as they get ready to walk across the stage here in Marano Campus Center. 

SUNY Oswego will be hosting in-person graduation starting Friday, May 14th through Sunday, May 16th.