Spring Fever

After what felt like a never-ending winter, Oswego finally gets its first taste of spring weather this week. And as the weather gets warmer, SUNY Oswego students are emerging from their dorms and taking advantage of the sun.

The week started off with a high of 52 degrees and low of 35, and the mild temperature continued throughout the week until Thursday, which reached a high of 69 degrees.

With the  weather getting warmer, it has given students the opportunity to go outside and do various activities such as play catch, volley-ball and ride skateboards around the campus.

(Photo courtesy of Kylie Wyman)
(Photo courtesy of Kylie Wyman)

This spring weather will continue throughout the weekend, with a high of 49 and a low of 38 degrees on Friday.

Saturday will be a bit warmer, with the temperature reaching a high of 56, then getting even warmer on Sunday reaching 67.

But with every nice spring day, there will always be rain. And on Sunday, there is a 50 percent chance of showers on Sunday.

Spring Fever has also taken over social media. Check out what these Twitter users have to say:

[su_spoiler title=”Spring Fever on social media” open=”yes” style=”fancy” icon=”chevron-circle”]



Enjoy the nice weather while it lasts, as Tuesday things start to cool again with temperatures going down to the 30s. However, the cool weather next week does not look like it will last too long, though. By next weekend, the weather will be back up to the mid 50s.