Online shopping is not only an addiction but also a hobby

Alexander Antonetti

Alex on the Amazon site

My favorite hobby is online shopping. I love the fact that I can do it anywhere and just have fun doing it – looking at things I didn’t even know I needed from the biggest mall in the world. I’m not the only one according to Forbes Magazine. 79% of shoppers shop online at least once a month, and the global e-commerce market is expected to total $6.3 trillion in 2023, which is a lot of money.


Picture of Ssense site

The rush you get from each swipe, with every item you look at giving you new ideas of what to use them for. Now that’s online shopping, a hobby most people have, and an addiction most can’t admit to having. There is joy in scrolling on Amazon, one of the most used online shopping stores to get literally anything you could think about, anything you may need or want is there. But Amazon isn’t the only site you can go on to explore different things there are Ssense, H&M, Zara and so many more.

Kaiden on the Forever 21 site

Online shopping is one of those things that you can spend hours doing or even just minutes. Nothing can be too time-consuming unless you want it to be. Online, there is a much bigger selection of products compared to in-store where your options are very limited. It’s more convenient because you can find something very specific online, compared to in-store where you’re only able to look at the selection that is provided. Why spend hours looking for something in a store when you can find it in minutes online for maybe even a fraction of the cost?

Why you should online shop

Online shopping is also a lot more inclusive for people who are specific sizes or have certain deformities that are not seen as important enough for change to happen in stores. It is also just so much more progressive because we are in such a digital age where everything else is done online. It’s rewarding because you are able to find things that you may have been looking for, for months and just with a couple of clicks you have that exact same item on its way to you. 

Roche on the H&M site

The deals are also a lot better online as well. So, you are able to save more money compared to if you were to go into a store, there are so many different promotion codes and different deals. Like myself, many people get a rush out of finding deals because who wouldn’t want to save money? 

Many people even say that shopping is therapeutic because it allows you to decompress and treat yourself to some of the things you may have been wanting or just looking at buying. It’s a very stress-free process because of how organized it is. You can have so many things displayed on your screen. 

Lisa on the Zara site

After interviewing a couple of people, Lisa Martinez says that it’s one of her favorite hobbies because she loves the fact that she does not have to actually try anything on. Instead, she can just look at the reviews of the item she is looking for and go from there. Trying clothes on is just such a hassle, especially on a busy day when stores like Zara are having sales and the fitting rooms are jam-packed with people.

Roché is another person who loves online shopping and I was able to get a short video of her showing some clothing items she has ordered.

The concept of online shopping is one that many people love and it is something that many people enjoy doing. Why not make online shopping your hobby today!!