Harborfest is coming back to Oswego

The annual Harborfest is coming back to Oswego this summer. The fest recently released their song lineup with classics like “Stayin’ Alive” and Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams.”

The Harborfest runs from July 27-30 and features a wide variety of events from live concerts to fireworks. Admission for the event is free with parades, vendors and a carnival also headlining the fest.

 The Harborfest is a nonprofit organization which is why Dan Harrington, the new executive director of the Harborfest, says they need volunteers and sponsors to keep the show going. 

“All the local businesses help out, the city of Oswego, the county of Oswego, the port authority and it all comes together,” said Harrington. “So basically it is all sponsorship and volunteers and the volunteers are just people that come to help.”

Harrington and his wife, Patty, have been volunteering for the past 22 years and have also served the wider community with the United Way of Oswego County, Habitat for Humanity and many others.

And if you’re going to Harborfest for the first time Harrington says you should try to visit three venues. 

“Try to visit all three venues like east park, we got music down on the veterans stage down by the river and Breitbeck Park,” said Harrington. ”And of course the midway if you’re into rides and stuff.”

The Harborfest will be held across Oswego and for information about the event you can go to the harbor fest website at https://www.oswegoharborfest.com/.