Travel is good food for the soul 

By Alexander Antonetti

Picture from an airplane view

Travel is a hobby that countless people have and it is something that they look forward to. There is a special feeling that so many get while preparing for a trip, the excitement you may feel while simply packing your bags is not uncommon. According to UNWTO 2022, over 969 million people traveled internationally last year which is a huge number. If this many people are traveling then it has to be something worth doing.

Picture of the Hollywood sign

I have been traveling throughout my life and I can say personally it has brought me nothing but joy. Even the process of getting ready for a trip brings me joy and excitement. One of my favorite places that I have been to was California, sightseeing there was amazing and the vibe out there was something I can’t even put into words. The weather was warm and at night it was nice and breezy. 

Benefits of traveling

So many people see traveling as an opportunity to relax and decompress and to engulf themselves in different cultures that will expand their knowledge. These experiences are ones that you will never forget and you will be able to have memories that you can pass on to others. While on these different trips, you can also get to meet so many people with different insights on life and possibly even why they travel. Hearing their stories and experiences can also inspire you and your next trip. I remember a couple of times when I went to Florida with some of my family we met some students from the UK and they explained that they were on holiday. That was the first time I ever heard anyone refer to summer vacation as a holiday and I’ll never forget that.

Lisa packing her bag for a trip

Travel can also increase your productivity by giving yourself a chance to recharge and preserve energy you can use for work. For example, when I was in high school I went to Mexico in the middle of the school year. Coming back from that I felt like a brand new person. Plus it is a hobby that can greatly benefit you and your mental health because it allows you to forget about your problems and live in the moment wherever you are. Many people even take this chance to unwind and distance themselves from reality. That’s exactly what I did I didn’t think about how stressful school was getting or the work that I felt was piling up I just was able to enjoy life.

Why travel?

Traveling is a hobby that will allow you to push yourself outside of your comfort zone and do things you never thought you would do. While going to these different places you can also discover who you truly are. It is a way to educate yourself on the world and see things for yourself.

Alex on his way to a flight

You can travel alone or with your loved one the choice is all yours, if you do choose to travel with a loved one, your relationship with that person could grow. This would also be a great chance for you to see a different side of the person you choose to travel with. This is an experience that only you and that person will have.

Picture from a sky view

Many people see travel as a reward as well after working so long you finally have some time to relax. I would say that Travel is one of the most rewarding hobbies out there because you gain so much from it. It is a hobby that has endless opportunities because there are so many places that you can travel to and you can see these places more than once. The world is huge and there is so much more to see than what you may see on a daily basis. so think about making traveling one of your hobbies today!

Let’s talk travel

Travel infographic