SUNY Oswego students pack comfort bags for victims and survivors of violence

OSWEGO N.Y. — Colleges across New York are participating in a campaign called “SUNY’s Got Your Back.”  Oswego State students raised money and supplies to build comfort kits for victims and survivors of sexual assault and violence.  

The kits contain items that bring a small measure of comfort like soap and shampoo.  It also provides information on services that can help someone recover and heal.

One of the people making the bags was featured DJ and activist Joshua “Zeke” Thomas who shared his stories and message with students, advocating for those in need.

“There’s literally nobody on this earth that hasn’t experienced trauma and being able to share these stories is me sharing myself,” Thomas said.

Whether it’s sharing stories and experiences or packing a comfort bag, helping a stranger can be all the difference.

“Just other people other strangers who I don’t even know, continuing to say hey you’re helping me or hey good job or hey keep up the good work,” Thomas said.  “Those are the messages that keep me going and those are the messages I am trying to convey to other people.”

The bags made are part of the 30,000 assembled so far in its three year campaign.