Betsy DeVos confirmation worries some Oswego educators

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]OSWEGO, N.Y. — Betsy DeVos was approved as the Secretary of Education by the U.S. Senate this week. The vote was deadlocked at 50-50, with Vice President Mike Pence casting the deciding tally to confirm the Michigan philanthropist. The nominee was met with heavy criticism from the start due to DeVos never attending public school and not having any political experience.

Some Oswego educators have voiced disappointment with the pick and have concerns about what her policies will entail.  DeVos is a proponent of privatizing public schools. The assistant principal at Oswego Middle School, Samantha Spaulding, fears low income families will be affected the most.

“The lower socio-economic income families will be affected the most and that is what concerns me” Spaulding said.

Spaulding said many parents have voiced confusion and disdain about the choice. She has urged them to keep faith in her and her staff as educators and to remain hopeful in the future.

Sean Clarke also works at Oswego Middle School as an English teacher and worries about the future schooling of his students and children.

“My kids will be in school soon and I worry that some of the policies she [Devos] has talked about will affect them negatively,” Clarke said.

Oswego has 7 public schools in the city, ranging from elementary to the high school level.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]