SUNY Oswego Fitness Center postpones competition

OSWEGO, N.Y. — Cooper Fitness Center at SUNY Oswego has decided to postpone their annual bench press competition that was originally scheduled to be held this week.

According to the fitness center staff, the competition has been postponed due to COVID related issues among fitness center staff.

“It got postponed due to COVID amongst the group. It wasn’t necessarily spreading or anything, but our main leader got COVID, so we had to cancel and everything,” said Andrea Hernandez, student manager of Cooper Fitness Center. 

The bench press competition is a way for SUNY Oswego students to engage in some friendly competition on campus. The postponing of the competition will give students more time to prepare and train. 

“Rescheduling means you have more time to train, so you get more time to actually get accustomed with the movements and the form and everything,” said Hernandez. “Now I have more time, so everyone has more time to get to know more about the competition and actually train.”